The eagle has represented the power of government since early Roman times. The United States adopted the Bald Eagle in 1787, as the country’s emblem, to represent strength and freedom. The eagle has long been a symbol of independence and pride. This reminds me of the quote, “Pride goeth before a fall.” The original statement is found in the Bible, in the book of Proverbs. A variation says, “Pride goeth before destruction.” Either way, I think this is highly symbolic of our times. The United States has risen in power and is considered to be the most powerful nation in the world. Our country is filled with “proud” Americans. It is also said that absolute power corrupts. We were shown last January 6th that our country is infested with corruption. Nature; however, is showing us that she will have the final word.

Strangely enough, what brought me to this observation is that a Steller’s Sea eagle, which is indigenous to Siberia, has been spotted in Quebec, Nova Scotia, and more recently, in Massachusetts and Main. It is considered to be a vagrant by birders because this is not its regular playground. It is a magnificent and beautiful bird and is runner up to the largest eagle, the Giant Philippine eagle. It has a wingspan of 8 feet! No one is sure if it is lost, perhaps having been blown off course on migration to its wintering grounds in Japan, or if it has voluntarily shown up there.

There is no denying that the eagle is strong and beautiful. There are in fact 60 different eagle species throughout the world; but if we do not begin making giant strides in protecting their habitats, we face the possibility of losing them all. Eagles are not prideful, in spite of the adjective we have so generously bestowed upon them. They are one of thousands of species on our planet trying to carve out a living. They are a reminder to us to strive to reach the great heights that they are capable of. They encourage us to look up towards the light and to look away from the prevailing darkness on our planet. If the eagle comes crashing down, so will we.

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