Today marks a brand new day for our nation. I have spent the morning watching the inauguration of our new President Joe Biden. It was moving and it was beautiful to see so many with light emanating from their faces. President Biden’s speech was brimming with hope and confidence. He stressed unity, assuaging the angst of those who had not voted for him and stated his intent to serve all Americans. He reminded us that, “Our democracy is precious. Our democracy is fragile. And, our democracy has prevailed.” He went on to say that, “We do not lead by the example of our power; but by the power of our example.”

I am grateful that the transfer of power was peaceful and that the horrific violence of two weeks ago did not repeat itself. I pray the day will come when the same sincerity and tone can be evoked for our entire planet. President Biden wants to heal the soul of America. I believe our nation, by its example, can heal the soul of our planet.

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