Our bodies have been leased to us, to use as we see fit, for the duration of our journey on this earthly plane. They are amazing. We do not have to understand the body’s complex workings in order to make use of it. We do not have to understand the mechanics of our car in order to drive it. Most times, we jump in our automobile and head to work, or to the store, fully expecting it to run. We do not have to think about breathing or digesting our food, or any of the other tasks that our body takes care of for us. In fact, we pay very little attention to it except when it is hungry or needs sleep. We use our brain, our arms, our legs, and our hands; but rarely do we stop to appreciate the miracle of them.
Our car will often let us know if something isn’t working properly. Often, it will simply refuse to run. Our bodies are slightly more capable of getting on because they can continue to function despite a less than optimal performance. Now that I am approaching seventy, I notice that my body seems to have good days and bad days. Granted, I have a tendency to over-work and I often expect it to carry on with the same gusto as it did twenty years ago. I will readily admit that I am stubborn. There are things that I choose to do, regardless how difficult or taxing. I will do those things until I drop dead, because sitting around, growing old, and waiting to die, does not honor the life I have. When I stop being useful, there will no longer be a reason for me to take up space.
Today may not be one of my best days. Physically, I am feeling challenged; but it is a good day. It is warm. Winter has left for a few months. My flowers are beginning to grow and I have five baby chickens to delight me. I move a little slower. The aches and pains are something that I have learned to live with; but every day I give thanks to this body that allows me to do what I love most.