There was a time when a couple opened up a business offering products or services that they had experience with. Maybe they opened a motel, a restaurant, or a bar. They took pride in what they had to offer and became well-known in their town. Sometimes, their establishment would become the place where the locals would hang out. They generally did well enough to support themselves and they were content. 

Then, along came corporations and mergers and big companies buying out smaller ones. They became greedy and quantity over quality took precedence. It was no longer a matter of a person deciding to go into business and then making that business thrive. For example, the owner of the motel I am working at owns five or six motels. Many gas stations can be owned by one person, or they may own several franchises. My first husband was not content to build the practice he had in the town we lived in. He wanted to have a second practice in another nearby location, in order to increase his income. 

The problem with this mindset is that rarely does it win customer loyalty. The owners do not want to invest any more than absolutely necessary, so they cut corners. Sometimes, they save money by using the cheapest products to run the business. In many cases they do most of their cost cutting by paying shamefully low wages. They don’t get reliable help because they are not willing to “invest” in the employee. Most companies now have their products made in third world countries and then shipped back here. 

It is rare these days to see a business that can flourish on its own. Bed and Breakfasts are one of the few businesses that can set themselves apart from the chains and franchises that have become the norm. Many small businesses try to make a go of it, but their overhead eats up most of their profits (since their places of business are owned by the wealthy who own several such properties.) Some people try to eke out a small profit by renting booths at farmers markets or fairs; but it has become increasingly difficult for the average person to get ahead.

I cannot help wondering what would happen if a businessman owned only one motel – instead of several – and made sure that every part of it was well maintained. What if he paid his employees a living wage? There have been a few businesses that claim to be “employee owned.” This seems like a good idea. It would help to boost morale overall, which in turn would help the business succeed. It has been said that we should choose one thing and do it well. Why can’t these business owners be content with only one business, ensuring that it flourishes and that the employees are happy? Greed is the only answer I can come up with because these people are not content with simply having enough. They always want more and yet never seem to be satisfied.

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