Even if climate change was not a serious threat affecting life on our planet, we would still be in serious trouble from the pollutants in our environment and the poisons that are finding their way into our bodies. We have air pollution, light pollution, noise pollution, and the pollution that has infiltrated our waterways and oceans. Our soil too, has been contaminated from the acid rain that falls upon it, seeping down into the groundwater. Some plants, such as those commonly used in a rain garden, can help to mitigate the pollutants before they run downstream, or reach the underground aquifers, but the aquifers are drying up. We are running out of water.

The astronomical number of poisons that have permeated our world is frightening. Most of the chemicals that we are exposed to every single day are not natural ones that were already here before human beings inhabited the planet. They are the result of scientific meddling and the development of highly toxic substances for which we do not know the ramifications. Every day new poisons are being manufactured in laboratories. Since these chemicals are man-made, our greatest error is in assuming that they are safe. A poison is a substance that is capable of causing illness or death in a living organism. For the past 100 years, or more, new “products” have been produced on a regular basis. Unlike the venom from a snake, very few of these poisons will bring about instant death. Chemically produced poisons act more slowly, upsetting the delicate balance within and weakening a normally healthy body. 

It is being shown that numerous toxic chemicals have penetrated nearly every body on the planet today. We breathe, eat, drink, and absorb through our skin countless toxic substances on a daily basis. There are poisons in our carpets and furniture, in our clothing and personal care products, in our laundry and cleaning products, and in our food. If that were not enough, we ingest pharmaceutical drugs – and possibly some illegal ones. Far too many people still smoke cigarettes, which affects the non-smokers through second hand smoke.

People are getting sicker and sicker. Our pets, too, are succumbing to many of the same illnesses. Cancer and autoimmune diseases are on the rise. Those who become sick, go to the doctor where they are given still more chemical substances in the form of drugs and vaccines, in the erroneous belief that one man-made drug can overcome the effects of another. They live under the illusion that the doctor will rid them of their ailments, not realizing that in most cases, they are providing them with more ailments. Those who are sick, or the loved ones who care for them, are gullible targets for the drug companies and the doctors peddling their drugs. They are convinced that any one of four different vaccines will save them from COVID19 and they never stop to consider the effects that taking the vaccine will have on their overall health. It may save them from COVID, but what new affliction will befall them and what bigger price will they pay? Fortunately, not all of us are so easily tricked.

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