I had to take my cat to the vet yesterday morning – a story that I will relate more about later. My new veterinarian is a godsend. He told me that cats actually do have nine lives; and that 14 is actually not that old for a cat. 

Looking back at my own life, I often recall events that seemed to have happened “a lifetime ago.” I do not feel that I am the same person that inhabited this body 40 or 50, or even 60 years ago. Clearly, I have not grown a new body. This one is quickly reaching its expiration date; however, this life that is mine has returned from the ashes on more than one occasion. Could I have nine lives, as well? According to numerology, we experience life in nine year cycles.The periods of my life feel less like the chapters in an ongoing saga and more like different lifetimes altogether. I can separate these periods into eight or nine different segments, depending on where I see the most distinct changes that occurred. If my life is like that of a cat, I have no more than one life left. Is there yet another chance to resurrect my life one last time? Can I see my dreams come true before my final opportunity is gone? 

Where and how and when did the belief that cats have nine lives, originate? No one knows for sure, but it is believed to date back to the Egyptian sun god. When I have at last reached the end of my ninth life, will I have attained enlightenment?

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