I believe that what sets humans apart from other species is not our intelligence; nor is it our opposable thumbs. Numerous other species have been proven to be highly intelligent and many have been shown to use tools with great dexterity and creativity. Some may even be more intelligent that we are. I believe that the greatest flaw in human character is the inability of most, to be content with what is. In short, by creating lives that have allowed us more leisure, we have produced a hollowness, a sense of boredom which we attempt with much futility, to fill. Men, especially, seek adventure. They have a nearly unquenchable thirst for competition, a desire to fight and to prove their strength. In their frustration, they continue to invent new games and new sports to fill that void – or they join the military to fight senseless wars.

Millions of people flock to our national parks each year – not to appreciate the amazing natural landscapes, flora, and fauna, but to climb to the top of treacherous mountains, to descend into deep caverns, to mountain bike ove steep terrain, or to ride the rapids of fast flowing rivers. These sports require all kinds of special clothing and gear. There is no purpose to the dangerous situations in which these people place themselves, other than to feed their bloated egos and provide them a high from the activities that send their adrenaline skyrocketing. From motorcycle riding, to car racing, wrestling, boxing, football, and soccer – to name only a few – this need to feel challenged will always seek an outlet. Those who are not naturally inclined to sports, may turn to gambling or to drugs. 

When human beings were hunter/gatherers, the masculinity of men was put to the test on a daily basis. Hunting was dangerous because we were part of that world known as “eat – or be eaten.” Our modern conveniences have left us up a creek without a paddle. The survival skills of modern man are sorely lacking. In the event of a natural disaster, an economic collapse, or a civil war, we may very well be thrust back into a scenario of “survival of the fittest.” The fittest will not be the ones who can manipulate the world trade market. They will not be the ones who possess guns or the ability to build bombs. The fittest, who survive, will be the ones who know how to grow their own food and who hunt – not for a “trophy” – but to feed their family.

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