I was relieved to hear that the supreme court blocked the mandate which would have forced employees of large companies to either be vaccinated or be regularly tested. Many people are growing weary of the fear tactics that have been employed through the media, to enforce vaccinations. People like myself, who understand the power of the mind, are not so easily taken in by all of the hype. You cannot turn on the news for five minutes without hearing about the endless stream of COVID statistics. Those people who live in constant fear of coming down with the virus, will eventually succumb to it. Many, who have dutifully offered up their arm to receive the vaccine, have caught the virus anyway. Their fear was greater than the belief that the vaccine would keep them safe.
We were assured in the beginning of the pandemic that, once a vaccine was created, people would stop getting sick. We were then told that we needed a booster to protect us against the Delta variant that had emerged. The media continued to feed fear to the public that was ravenous for information. We now have the Omicron variant and we are being advised that we need at least 3 shots to protect us from the virus. Some became sick from the vaccine itself, but they were assured that this was “normal” and that had they actually gotten COVID, they would have been much sicker. Isn’t this mere speculation? They cannot prove that the vaccine will ensure milder symptoms, but they are the “experts” so people accept this as fact.
When will this propaganda of fear be stopped? Will there be another variant after Omicron, and then more vaccines, on infinitum? The FDA approved 4 different vaccines for use against COVID. It is supposedly safe to mix and match these chemical concoctions and ignore any potential side effects. Is the public simply being used as human guinea pigs? As long as the masses are held within the iron grip of fear, people will continue to get sick. That which they fear will come upon them. It has been said that we do not have a health care system in this country (and probably in the entire world). We have a disease care system.
I now consider myself to be in that group of people who are considered “elderly”. In the beginning of the pandemic, we were told that the elderly were vulnerable. As a child and a young adult, I was sick often. I was bottle fed so I did not receive the benefits of the colostrum that is found in a mother’s milk and which provides immunity for many things. This was in the early 1950’s. Aligned with the song from The Sound of Music, “Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down…”, my mother felt it necessary to sprinkle sugar on most of the foods I ate – even oranges and bananas, which were already loaded with natural sugar. At school we would line up at the nurse’s office once or twice a year to receive a shot in our arm, or a sugar cube containing an unknown substance. Once out of high school and on my own, I became more aware of what I ate. When I became pregnant with my first daughter, I began to cut down on sugar and stopped drinking sodas, preferring plain water or water with lemon. I cooked from scratch and began to exercise regularly. I rarely ate fast food. Over the years I grew healthier. In my mid-thirties I discovered Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life. I learned about the connection between our deepest held convictions and what we experience in our reality.
The last time that I had a cold or a sinus infection was in 2006. Eight years ago I had a 24 hour stomach flu. I have not been sick since. I regularly affirm that I am healthy. I eat foods and take supplements that naturally support my immune system. I am not afraid of COVID. I turn a deaf ear to the fear propaganda. It is apparent to me that the vaccines are not living up to what we have been promised they would do. When the world stops feeding the virus with fear, it will most likely disappear.