I only just learned about some preventative measures that we can take to protect us from contracting coronavirus. It is simple and inexpensive and it can be included with your regular hand washing regime, whenever you return home from the store, or when you have been around other people. Mix, in a 1:4 ratio, one part hydrogen peroxide to four parts water, into a small glass or cup. Gargle this, getting it as far back in your throat as you can. Then, using a Q-tip dipped in the same solution, swab the inside of each nostril. If you do not go out during the day or have visitors, it is still a good idea to do it once or twice a day during cold and flu season. I frequently use a saline nasal spray to clear my sinuses whenever they are irritated from dust and other allergens; which is probably helpful as well. The one that I use is called Xlear.
There are supplements that you can take to build your immune system. I took a combination herbal supplement of echinacea and goldenseal for a couple of months in the spring. I began taking it again about a month ago. You are not supposed to take echinacea on an ongoing basis as it is taken only to boost the immune system. Apparently zinc is very effective in fighting COVID; and so is vitamin D. I like to spend as much time as possible outside each day in order to get my daily dose of vitamin D, although it must be absorbed through bare skin. I would also stress the importance of taking probiotics regularly. You can eat yogurt, drink kefir or kombucha, or take an actual supplement; whichever you prefer. I am certain there are other natural means of ensuring that your immune system is doing its job; but I am not a nutritionist and I have no medical training. I wanted to pass this along; however, as I trust the source of this information. I hope that we can all stay safe and healthy in the coming months!