I rarely remember my dreams and I prefer not to dream at all. There are those who advocate that you should try to remember dreams because they are messages from your subconscious. I have from time to time had dreams in which I woke up crying. Last night I had such a dream.
In my dream I was standing next to someone, watching as a valley was filled with water to create a reservoir for my mother and her water skiing friends. In the dream it took only moments for the reservoir to be completely filled, by a boat full of water. They immediately put in a ski jump for the water skiers. I tried to explain to the person standing next to me that thousands of species and their habitat were being displaced for human recreation. Those animals that could not escape would surely drown. I looked up then and saw buildings being erected – condos, strip malls, and motels. People were descending into the area in hordes. I began to cry. Then I woke up.
I could not stop crying, but eventually I fell asleep again. Many times, I have felt the Earth’s pain. I have been sickened by the way my fellow humans disrespect the very planet that has given us life. That dream is weighing heavily on my heart today. I try to help people to understand the plight that our world is facing, through my writing; but it is as if I am talking, but no sound is being emitted. I feel alone as if in a soundproof bubble and no one is hearing what I say.
Fortunately, I have not had many dreams that brought me to tears. I have even had one or two in which I woke up laughing, but it has been quite some time ago. Unfortunately, global warming is not a laughing matter. My subconscious is a reflection of the frustration I am feeling, due to the ignorance, selfishness, and greed that I seem to be surrounded by.