What will it take before we begin to take global warming seriously? We have had several days of temperatures in the upper 90ᐤF.’s and zero chance of rain. The next several days are predicted to be the same. There is complaining of course, often by people who have air conditioned homes, air conditioned automobiles, and they work in air conditioned offices. I do not have air conditioning and for most of my life I have not had it. I do not mind. A ceiling fan and cool breezes drifting through an open window on the shady side of the house, suits me just fine.

We have become complacent with our modern conveniences. We have adopted a belief of entitlement and we think that we should not be inconvenienced by anything. The world, we believe, revolves around us and it is unacceptable whenever we cannot have everything go our way. Our human impulse to control those things around us generally causes us unnecessary suffering.

We cannot control the weather and we are only slightly accurate at predicting it. But then again, maybe it is our very consciousness that is creating the erratic weather patterns. On a subconscious level, perhaps it is our prevailing hatred, war, anger, and  viciousness towards our fellow man and the very planet that provides us life, that is producing a similar rage in our atmosphere. Anger is a form of energy and it feeds the flame of itself, as it grows bigger and bigger, releasing its fury into the space around us. As long as we continue spewing out the toxins of contempt, they will begin to form a cloud of darkness over us. Most people do not give much credence to the power behind their thoughts; but if thoughts of resentment and violence were replaced with love, empathy, and compassion, we might find the increased temperatures and devastating storms abating. If we indeed have the power to affect changes in our atmosphere by simply becoming more loving, what are we waiting for? In spite of the millions of religious folk who swear by the bible and a fictitious man named Jesus, who said simply, “Love one another”, how many actually heed this wisdom? How hot must it get and at what point, with the devastation of food crops and the shortage of water, will we wake up and let go of our sense of righteousness? Will the day come when the whole world can embrace these simple truths – to love each other and to give thanks?

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