I stated in the first chapter of Question Everything, “Our planet and our very lives hang upon a precarious precipice”. I went on to say, “It is the wakeup call for which you did not set the alarm”. I first wrote these words about seven years ago. These words found their way through me. I did not set out to write a best seller or to sell a million copies. In fact, I had no agenda whatsoever. I knew that I was supposed to write the book. Period. Those who are meant to read it, will be guided to it. Those who can be inspired by it, will discover it. I am a conduit, to be used in whatever way Spirit chooses. Myself, I am nothing.

As I read these words now, I sense the eerie truth that lies within them. Our world has changed, seemingly overnight, because of COVID19. The health of our planet has spiraled down into darkness. The astronomical number of species that are being lost every single day, has been ignored; but now the health of our human population is spiraling down right along with it. We are, quite literally, wobbling at the edge of darkness. Will we be able to maintain balance and heal the planet’s wounds and our own, as well? Are we willing to look over the edge into the deep, black hole of unknowing? Are we willing to take responsibility, not only for our own errors in judgement, but also for  those of our ancestors? Are we willing to change for the sake of the generations that will follow in our footsteps?

I am disappointed that the optimism displayed by so many a year ago, in the Democratic Debates, was deflated like many balloons popping one by one, until we had but one choice. There were so many promising and capable candidates, but the system was rigged against them. Joe Biden was one whom I felt was the least capable of leading our country to a higher state of consciousness. I was curious as to whom he would choose for his running mate. When he announced yesterday that Kamala Harris would be his V.P., I was disheartened once again. I did not know much about Ms. Harris and I assumed that she was Latino; however, the news revealed that her mother is from India and her father, from Jamaica. The truth is, it makes no difference. Barack Obama has often been referred to as black and now they are referring to Kamala as black; but all this talk of skin color and race has got to stop. We need to get over it if we are going to survive as a species. I am not a Democrat and I am registered as unaffiliated; but I will stand behind Joe and Kamala because another four years with our current president spells DISASTER.

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