It is miserably cold and overcast this morning. I am fine with overcast; but the cold has never been a friend of mine. My patience is wearing thin as I wait for the weather to be nice enough to plant seedlings out in the garden. I long for the day when I can at last wear sleeveless tops and not have to remember coat, scarf, hat, and gloves before heading out the door. Even the leaves on the trees are reluctant to appear this year. This is so unlike last year, when Mother’s Day was celebrated outdoors under the canopy of a crabapple in full bloom.
I know that complaining is simply a waste of energy. It is only my thoughts about this situation that are causing me unhappiness – frustration, really, and irritation, because I cannot change what is. This, too, shall pass. Even though I understand this, I garner a certain satisfaction, indulging in just a few minutes of my own pity party. The birds and the squirrels do not seem to mind the weather. They simply go about the business of eating and caring for their young as though they have not a care in the world. In truth, they do not have a care. And, neither do I.
This is one moment among infinite moments. My life is one life among infinite lives. When I am dead, I will have been forgotten in a hundred years. Learning to accept our insignificance and our nothingness is the key to finding joy in the sunless days, like finding a pearl hidden in a shell. All of the small irritants and frustrations that I have come up against during my life, have slowly worn away my rough edges and sculpted a smooth center within my soul, which is now capable of reflecting light. I think this is referred to as pearls of wisdom.