For several years now I have included the quote from Plato, “A grateful mind is a great mind, which eventually attracts to it great things”, at the bottom of my emails. This morning, while brewing some tea, my eyes fell on a quote that was printed on the box. “There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart” was said by a well-known author of the 19th century, Celia Thaxter. Numerous individuals who have shared their wisdom with the world have discovered this truth. Plato says that the mind ought to be grateful. Celia speaks of a grateful heart. Modern science has told us that the heart also has a brain. It makes no difference though, if it is the brain or the heart, or both. Gratitude is the key to happiness.
When we are feeling thankful, we are in a state of acceptance, a necessary element of being present in the moment. This automatically moves us into a place of selflessness, which leads to a sense of generosity and a willingness to be of service. When we are in this state of joyful thanksgiving, it becomes second nature to show kindness, which is another form of love. This is the desired state of all human beings. It is not difficult. These six things are the essential seeds of a fruitful life: gratitude, acceptance, selflessness, generosity, service, and kindness.
Why aren’t we all living fruitful lives? Why has hatred and judgement and anger pervaded our world? Why do we have so much war and so little peace? We can change the world. We can each do our part every day by beginning with thankfulness. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning and throughout the day, we can cultivate gratitude. What are you waiting for?