There is a story in the very popular Bible about the beginning of humankind. The story goes that a woman by the name of Eve and a man called Adam, lived contentedly in a beautiful garden. Eve supposedly ate an apple from a tree which they had been forbidden to eat from. She then enticed Adam to partake of the apple as well; and from that moment on, their beautiful garden was fraught with weeds, insects, and disease. The men came to the decision that because of Eve, all women were evil seductresses and so they set about overpowering and controlling them by creating religion. This was the downfall of man.

I have my own version of this story. I believe that Eve and women in general were wise; and that they lived and communed with Nature. They used Earth’s gifts of herbs for healing and they helped one another to bring forth new life. The men, being very jealous and also very greedy, then decided that they should dominate women. They used their brute strength coupled with their man made laws, which they concealed within their made up religions, declaring them to be the word of God. They invented agriculture in order to control Mother Nature too, even though she had already provided so generously for them. Over time, the lovely garden in which they lived lost its ability to provide, not only for humans, but for all of the other creatures that depended upon it. The soil was depleted and exploited. The rivers and the lakes were filled with filth, rendering sickness and disease to run amok. All that had once been in balance fell into chaos. Men continued to take all that they wanted and far more than they needed. They took the women too, stripping them of their power. Fighting broke out regularly as men fought over ownership of the garden. Their lust for battle and war continued to grow and the garden fell into a state of ruin. Over time, the people forgot about the beautiful garden they had once lived in. They boarded themselves into houses and buildings, separating themselves further and further from Nature. They were overcome with anxiety and they lived in constant fear.

As all things eventually come to pass, some humans are now beginning to remember what has been forgotten. They are awakening to what has been lost and they are turning back to Nature, one tiny garden at a time. Women are taking back their power and one by one, walking back to the garden, with their children in tow, leading us all back to Paradise.

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